It’s been said by many an author, “No one is the villain in their own story.” But the first time I heard this statement was actually in an interview with a former CIA agent regarding hunting down the most wanted international criminals, and it stuck with me. It’s one of those statements that is impactful, powerful, and so common sense. I wondered why it never occurred to me before. Of course, no one is the villain of their own story! People don’t do awful things without a reason to defend them. I’ve known quite a few narcissists in my life and never once have they excused their behavior by declaring, “You’re right, I didn’t have to do that. I’m just an awful person.”
While this revelation does not make cruel or callous acts excusable, it does help in understanding why someone could do something hateful and vicious and still sleep well at night. Even the most notorious villains in history believed what they were doing was just. Osama Bin Laden believed he was a hero–the leader of a holy war. It begs the question, what kind of “hero” can be so brutal to other human beings? It doesn’t change the fact that he truly believed in his actions. You can spend countless hours and multiple PHDs trying to examine and explain Hitler’s actions, but I guarantee you he did not see himself as a tyrant or monster.
But what about us regular folk? Those of us toiling away at the 9-5, living a life beyond normal and mundane? We are not oppressors or dictators (I personally don’t have the time or money for that kind of endeavor). We can, however, be mindless and manipulative without even realizing it. We have the capability of bullying someone into doing what we want and while most of us may not be swindlers and thieves of epic proportions, we can rob someone of their money, security, and even their dignity with very little effort.
This idea was drilled in again recently when I read a separate unrelated article on “why everyone should watch one of their favorite movies and put themselves in the shoes of the antagonist”. It suggested that not only would you experience the movie in a new and interesting light, but it could allow you to see how the worst acts committed come from the most basic human emotions and experiences. We are, scarily enough, one experience away from being the villain of our own story.
Don’t believe me? Try this exercise and see what you discover. Write a short story with you as the antagonist. Yeah, the bad guy. The villain. It doesn’t have to be an autobiography. Make it a Sci-fi or action/adventure genre if you want. Maybe a Rom-Com. There’s no reason why you can’t have a little fun. The one rule is YOU have to be the antagonist. The one the audience dislikes. The one with the selfish intent. The one who plots and schemes. The one who not just puts their own interests first but actively works towards their own interests in a way that can harm those around you.
But why? Why is this necessary?
Writing a short story and making yourself the antagonist can be an incredibly powerful way to explore your own inner character. As you create an externalized version of yourself, you can more accurately explore the depths of your own motivations and beliefs. Moreover, the exercise can help break down any preconceived notions that you have about yourself.
Writing about yourself in this way can give you the chance to examine your values, beliefs, motivations, and relationships objectively. You can gain an understanding of your own complex moral landscape. It can encourage a deep self-reflection that can help lead to better decision-making in the future.
Moreover, in forcing your imaginary self to purposefully behave badly, you may subconsciously find yourself, well, defending that imaginary self. You may find the need to explain those selfish and callous actions. In doing so, you can begin to understand the myriad of reasons someone can behave so maliciously. And even better, recognize how those actions can often be committed subconsciously. Was your back against the wall, so to speak, when you took action? Did you feel you had no other choice? Was it an innate reaction to previous trauma? Was it, in your mind, merely an act of protecting yourself? Perhaps some painful experiences lead to an unconscious effort to never be a victim again.
Self-examination can be an emotionally arduous task. People can be in the midst of an all-out breakdown and still do everything in their power to avoid talking to a therapist. Why? Why is looking deeper at your own actions, your own past experiences, so frightening? In making yourself the antagonist, you may need to address these very questions for your “character”, and in turn help to open you up as to why others can so easily and often unknowingly hurt those around them.
And don’t confine yourself to the generic idea of an evil villain. You certainly can be, and it may be more fun. But there are different types of antagonists, not all are so obvious.
Your character could be both the antagonist AND the protagonist. That’s right. You could be the force holding you back from your own success. There’s nothing that says that your fear and anger can’t sabotage your own happiness as much as they can someone else’s. You could even be what’s considered a conflict creator. This is an antagonist whose actions are not meant to cause harm to others but whose goals simply conflict with those around them.
Regardless of what you choose, this exercise will hopefully give you a better understanding of those individuals you have encountered in your life that did you wrong. But then what? Well, you cannot control others’ behavior. But you may find that addressing a particular offense calmly and compassionately can actually lead to a better and more productive relationship, especially if you are able to put yourself in their position. Conversely, you may find that for your own well-being, continuing to have any kind of relationship with certain people is not possible. While you may be able to explain their actions, that does not mean those actions can be excused. Again, this exercise is for your personal growth, not necessarily theirs.
Ultimately, the goal is to open you up to understanding, and eventually, forgiveness. Do not mistake forgiveness for passivity or complacency in others’ poor actions. Forgiveness truly is more for the victim than the perpetrator. Forgiveness helps to shed the remnants of the misdeeds you suffered from, promoting your own healing.
So go on, give it a try. See what you discover, not only about yourself but about those around you.
*Want some help in forming and shaping your character? Click below for tips and tools on creating a good antagonist.
Upstanding is a word that has been in use for centuries but has recently been appropriated by social movements to describe someone who stands up against injustice and bullying. The concept includes standing alone in the face of opposition, often when others present disagree with you.
A poignant example of upstanding is illustrated in the now-famous photograph believed to be of August Landmesser, a Hamburg dockyard worker during World War II. In the photograph, surrounded by his colleagues saluting in Nazi-style, Landmesser stands with his arms crossed and a solemn expression on his face. He and his Jewish wife, Irma Eckler, did not survive the war. The backstory to this photograph reveals a courageous man who refused to comply with the inhumane actions of his peers and, instead, chose to stand up for what was right.
Today, upstanding is an important principle that should be emulated and encouraged. It reminds us to stand up for what is just, even when it is difficult, and to be a face of strength and courage in the face of opposition. As a society, we should recognize and celebrate those who display upstanding behavior and strive to create a culture where it is valued and promoted.
Obey the law: An upstanding citizen always respects the law of the land and follows the rules and regulations set by authority.
Pay your taxes on time: Paying taxes is an essential part of fulfilling your civic duty and contributing to your country's growth and development.
Volunteer for community service: Volunteering your time and resources for the betterment of your community is an excellent way to demonstrate your commitment to being an upstanding citizen.
Respect your fellow citizens: Treating everyone with kindness, compassion, and respect is an essential aspect of being a good citizen.
Promote and support diversity: A tolerant and diverse society is one of the hallmarks of a progressive and advanced civilization. Therefore, supporting diversity and promoting inclusion is an essential trait of an upstanding citizen.
Report suspicious activities: Being watchful and reporting suspicious activities or incidents can help maintain a safe and secure society.
Practice responsible consumption: Taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint and adopting sustainable practices can help conserve valuable natural resources and protect the environment for future generations.
Being an upstanding citizen involves being a responsible and accountable member of the community, respecting the law, contributing to society, and promoting values such as diversity, kindness, and compassion.
A bystander is someone who witnesses an event or situation but chooses not to get involved.
Reasons a bystander refrains from intervening:
Afraid for their own safety
Not wanting to cause trouble
Feeling powerless
Don’t know how to help
Assume someone else will
Worried about what others may think
“Not my Business”
Don’t see the situation as harmful (this is common with racist, sexist, or body shaming remarks)
The consequences of bystander behavior can be severe, particularly in situations involving bullying, harassment, or violence. By failing to intervene, bystanders may inadvertently condone unacceptable behavior or even contribute to the escalation of a dangerous situation.
To become an upstander, there are a few simple steps that you can take. Firstly, recognize the importance of your actions or inactions in any given situation. Secondly, be willing to step in and offer help, whether that is by talking to the person in need or calling for assistance. Thirdly, be prepared to speak out against injustice, discrimination, or any wrongdoings you might witness. By taking these steps, you can play a vital role in creating a safer and more inclusive community for everyone.
In conclusion, bystanders are individuals who choose not to get involved in a given situation, even when they may have an opportunity to help. By not intervening, bystanders may contribute to the escalation of a dangerous situation. Becoming an upstander involves taking steps to offer assistance and speak out against wrongdoing whenever possible.
Thnk: the more bystanders to an incident, the less likely anyone will intervene. It’s called the - The Bystander Effect.
Thnk: deciding to be an upstander. The key is to “support” the victim. You do not need to confront the harasser, especially if it is unsafe to do so.
First, assess the risk to you and decide on your intervention tactic:
Direct Ask the victim how they feel or validate them - with empathy & respect. If safe, tell the harasser that the act is not ok.
Distract Take the harasser's and witnesses' focus away from the victim; move in between.
Delegate Bring in allies if it is unsafe to intervene alone. Bullies back off if large numbers of people stand up to them.
Delay When you see what may transpire, delay the incident by speaking to either person until help arrives.
Many spiritual and religious traditions talk about the human tendency to spend too much time outside of the present moment. According to a Harvard University study, we spend almost fifty percent of the time we are awake not thinking about what we are doing. So what are we thinking about instead?
Don’t lose this moment, searching for another.
We either ruminate about things that happened in the past or we worry about the future. Future thoughts can center around fantasies of negative outcomes; however, they can also come from a hyper-focus on our ambitions. As it goes; dream, but don’t make dreams your master.
Fixating on the past or future is not only time-consuming, it also evokes emotions that may cause unnecessary pain. It is clear why awareness of the present moment is necessary to maintain wellness.
So how do we live in the present moment? If you find yourself lost in mental chatter, there are ways to break out and back into the present narrative. These are often simple techniques that take just a bit of discipline.
Breath meditation -Watching the breath and how the body and our emotions react to it. Watching thoughts and how they come and go.
Feeling the inner body -Most of our bodily processes go completely on autopilot. An effective escape from the immersion in all kinds of thinking patterns is focusing. You can look at the tightness of the muscles, for example, or focus on the digestive system. The inner body is a very lively place. Keeping focus on the liveliness keeps you in the now and makes you calmer.
Touching-Touch is another way to get rid of the maelstrom of thought. There are different ways to do this. One could be as simple as sitting in a chair and feeling your physical presence in the chair. Another method could be fidgeting with an object in your hand, focusing on how this feels in your palm and fingers. This can be integrated into your routine through examples such as washing your hands or brushing your teeth. Sometimes we aren’t mindful of routine activities because our thoughts are somewhere else.
Reciting Mantras-A mantra is a sound, that could be sacred in nature and could also consist of a word or several words. Affirming mantras can empower positive thoughts and feelings while bringing you into the present moment. The most basic mantra is “ohmmm…” which they call the source of all mantras in Hinduism. A mantra could also be a sentence such as “I am here, I am loving, I feel gratitude”. A mantra can also be as simple as repeating your name to yourself, bringing you further into your present being.
Waiting for your next thought -This process is incredibly simple, yet surprisingly effective. The only thing you have to do is become conscious of your thoughts. Then ask yourself; “what is my next thought?” When you focus on the anticipation of your next thought; something magical may happen.
Awareness of silence -If you listen closely, you will realize that the world is never truly silent. There may be sounds of traffic in the distance, birds, or the wind. Even in a soundproof room, there will still be the sound of your breath and heartbeat. You can become more aware of the sophisticated sounds of the environment. The mind becomes more curious about what’s going on in the distance and will focus its attention on discovering silence in subtlety.
Listening closely to words -This practice works for social anxiety as well. Dr. Jordan Peterson proposes this practice to overcome the fear of talking to people. By listening closely to what people have to say, you basically shift your attention from your thoughts to the person speaking
Focusing on movement -Every day we make a series of movements that are basically on autopilot. This could be cleaning, doing the dishes, walking from home to the bus station, sitting down, standing up, going to the bathroom, eating, or shaking hands with people. Because such movements are frequent occurrences, we often don’t pay any attention to them. Instead, we think, plot, ruminate, worry, etc. Instead of spending time in our minds, we can also focus on these ordinary movements. This seems kind of pointless, but it surely takes our focus away from excessive thinking. This practice will instead direct our thoughts toward what is happening right now.
Life always happens in the present moment, whether we are aware of it or not. Living in the present moment is one of the key factors that will decide the quality of your life. It is safe to say that most of us spend a lot of time thinking about either the past or the future. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can actually be a great thing if you can visualize the kind of life you desire to build. However, not all past or present thoughts that we have, are pleasant.
Engage your senses: Take time to notice the sights, smells, sounds, and textures around you. Paying attention to the present moment through your senses can help you stay grounded and aware.
Stay curious: Approach each experience with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. This can help you avoid making assumptions or judgments about a situation and allow you to fully experience it.
Let go of distractions: Try to let go of any distractions or worries that may be occupying your mind. Refocus your attention on the present moment and what is in front of you.
Practice gratitude: Take time to express gratitude for the present moment and what it brings to your life. This can help you maintain a positive perspective and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the world around you.
“In magic - and in life - there is only the present moment, the now. You can't measure time the way you measure the distance between two points. 'Time' doesn't pass. We human beings have enormous difficulty in focusing on the present; we're always thinking about what we did, about how we could have done it better, about the consequences of our actions, and why we didn't act as we should have. Or else we think about the future, about what we're going to do tomorrow, what precautions we should take, what dangers await us around the next corner, how to avoid what we don't want, and how to get what we have always dreamed of.”― Paulo Coelho, Aleph
“What day is it?” asked Pooh.“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.“My favorite day,” said Pooh.”― A.A. Milne
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Inside the Actor’s Studio host, James Lipton, used to have a set of questions he asked each guest on the show. Some of them, to this day, I’m not sure how I would answer but the “What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?” question was easy. Music.
Music has a way of shifting my mood within just the first few chords. Lizzo’s, Truth Hurts instantly puts a sassy strut in my step, while Rage Against the Machine’s, Wake Up is about the only thing to get me moving at the gym, and The Cure’s, Just Like Heaven fills me with that “first love” romantic butterflies feeling. And while I am admittedly a lover of sad songs. The tear-jerkers. The tunes that pull out just the right minor chords in a way that causes the tiny hairs on the back of my neck to raise and my eyes to water ever so slightly, I can’t deny the lift a happy tune can give me.Most people recognize a happy or upbeat song when they hear it - the rhythm, instrumentation, and feel of it make it obvious. But did you know that there's more to it than just your gut feeling? While the sad and moody tunes are speckled with minor chords, many happy songs are built on major chords and specifically seventh chords. The major notes and seventh chords used in happy songs provide a more uplifting sound, convey a positive feeling to the listener, and even release the pleasure hormone, dopamine.For me, that happy reward comes from the song September. I have literally been in the car sobbing and had that song come on. Mood flipped. Instantaneously. I don’t even know all of the words by heart but when that, “Do you remember…” hits, I am instantly snapping my fingers. Nothing can be bad in that moment when Earth, Wind, and Fire start “Ba-dee-ya, dancin’ in September”. I could get into the chord progression and the brain’s reaction to it, the effects of that groovy rhythm of the bass, or do a deep dive into the lyrics and what prompted them for the songwriter. But I’d rather not overanalyze something so bright and wonderful. I’d rather just let it lift me up and away for even just a few minutes (unless I hit repeat).Some days just need a Happy playlist. A little extra push to get us through. With the help of friends and family, I’ve put one together for you.Happy listening!
September - Earth, Wind and Fire (of course)Lovely Day - Bill WithersShiny, Happy People - REMUnwritten - Natasia BedingfieldCarried Me With You - Brandie CarlileParadise - John PrimeLet’s Go Crazy - PrinceBig Country - Uncommon RitualCrimson and Clover - Tommy James (or Joan Jett, if your prefer)Livin’ In the Sunlight, Lovin’ In the Moonlight - Tiny TimLights Out - SantigoldStepping Out - Joe JacksonRock with You - Michael JacksonLikey - TwiceDon’t You Worry About a Thing - Stevie WonderMr. Blue Sky - ELODon’t Stop Me Now - QueenHappy - Pharrell Williams (I mean, duh)Tiger Feet - MudBouncing Around the Room - PhishMaybe I’m Amazed - FacesFriday - (feat. Mufasa & Hypeman) [Dopamine Re-Edit]52 Girls - B-52sMint Car - The Cure (Yeah, the goth band. They’re happier than you think)Trees - Bilderine - Bill Direen and the Bilders (Not on Spotify, but still worth looking for)You Make My Dreams Come True - Hall and OatesLight & Day / Reach for the Sun - The Polyphonic SpreeValerie - Mark Ronson, Amy WinehouseWalcott - Vampire WeekendGo - Valley LodgeSummertime Fun - Nikki & the CorvettesHappier than the Morning Sun - Stevie WonderHooray for Tuesday - The MindersShake Your Rump - Beastie BoysAnna Sun - Walk the MoonMake Your Own Kind of Music - Cass Elliot40 Day Dream - Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic ZerosSimple Season - Hippo CampusHeat the Summer - Young the GiantHey Ya! - OutkastBlitzkrieg Bop - RamonesSave It for Later - The English BeatHarvest Moon - Neil YoungBuddy Holly - WeezerI Believe (When I Fall In Love) - Stevie Wonder (Man, this guy is tops on everybody’s Happy List)Let My Love Open the Door - Pete TownshendCan’t Take My Eyes Off of You - Frankie ValliTake Your Mama - Scissor SistersLust for Life - Iggy popMe and Julio Down By the Schoolyard - Paul SimonI Got a Woman - Ray CharlesWalking on Sunshine - Katrina and the WavesJust What I Needed - The CarsEver Fallen In Love (With Someone) - Buzzcocks (more of a lament but dang, it gets mebouncing)
Well, well, well, look who’s about to discover the secret to a happy life – giving to others! Who would have thought that the key to our own happiness lies in helping others? Oh wait, scientists did. In fact, there are seven scientific benefits to thinking of others. Let's check them out, shall we?First on the list is happiness. Yes, you heard that right, folks. That warm and fuzzy feeling you get from helping others is not just in your head, it's backed by science. Helping others has been proven to boost your mood and overall sense of well-being. So, be a do-gooder and spread some happiness around.Next up is health. Yup, you heard that right too. When you help others, you're also helping yourself by reducing stress levels, increasing life expectancy, and boosting your immune system. Who knew that being a good Samaritan could be so good for you?Third on the list is a sense of purpose. Helping others gives you a sense of meaning and direction in life. Who doesn't want to feel like they're making a difference in the world? You never know, your kind act could be the reason someone else gets a second chance at life.Fourth is social connection. Helping others connects you to your community and gives you a sense of belonging. It's a win-win situation. You're helping others and at the same time, building relationships with the people around you.Fifth on the list is improving your self-esteem. When you help others, you develop a sense of pride and accomplishment. That's right, you're patting yourself on the back for being a good human being, and no one can say that's not a good thing.Sixth on the list is personal growth. Helping others exposes you to new experiences and challenges, which in turn, helps you grow as a person. It's like a mini personal development seminar, but you're helping others at the same time.And last but not least, giving back just feels good. You can't put a price on the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from knowing you made someone else's day a little brighter. So go ahead, do something nice for someone today. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.So, there you have it, folks. Seven scientific benefits of lending a hand to those in need. But don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself. Who knows, you might just end up being the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilled version of yourself.Thinking of others is a simple yet powerful act. It can create a sense of community, foster stronger relationships, and positively impact someone's day.
Small ways on how you can think of others:
Smile at someone you pass by on the street.
Offer to carry someone's groceries.
Hold the door for someone.
Send a text message to a friend just to check in.
Send a thank-you note to someone who has made a positive impact on your life.
Ask a colleague how their day is going.
Leave a positive review for a small business you support.
Make someone's favorite meal or dessert.
Listen attentively when someone is speaking to you.
Offer a compliment or words of encouragement.
Volunteer your time and skills to a group or organization that aligns with your values.
Donate money or resources to a charitable cause or non-profit organization in need.
Take action against discrimination and advocate for marginalized communities.
Actively listening and empathizing with someone.
Mentoring or helping someone achieve their goals and realize their potential.
Participate in programs that support senior citizens, such as Meals on Wheels, or volunteer at a senior center.
Create fundraisers or events to support a specific individual or group in need.
Engage in random acts of kindness, such as paying for someone's meal or giving a compliment to a stranger.
Let go of self-centeredness by focusing on the needs of your family and friends.
Create a positive and safe workplace by fostering teamwork and building strong relationships with coworkers.
Thinking of others doesn't necessarily have to be a large gesture, but prioritizing the needs of others in a thoughtful and meaningful way can go a long way.
` globally
As inhabitants of this planet, it is important for us to acknowledge that we are all citizens of the world. We have the power to shape the world we live in, and one of the best ways we can do this is by thinking of others.
Reduce your carbon footprint: Take small steps such as using energy-efficient appliances, reducing water consumption, recycling, composting, and using public transportation or carpooling.
Advocate for social and environmental justice: Speak up and take action against injustices such as human rights abuses, environmental degradation, and discrimination.
Support local and sustainable businesses: Choose to buy from businesses that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.
Educate yourself and others: Stay informed on global issues and share your knowledge with others. Ignorance is not an excuse to turn a blind eye to the world's issues.
Volunteer: Take an active role in your community by volunteering your time and skills to help others, be it through local charities, environmental organizations, or youth programs.Quote: If we aren’t all helping, we are all hurting.
Donate: Support worthy causes and charities through donations, whether it's time or money, to make a difference in the lives of others and improve the world we live in.
Practice empathy and inclusivity: Treat everyone with compassion and respect, regardless of their race, religion, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or other factors.
By making efforts to better ourselves and the world around us, we can become better global citizens and help a brighter future for everyone.
Maybe we start with the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
The Golden Rule across the World's Religions
Bahá'í FaithLay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.
BuddhismTreat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. The Buddha, Udana-Varga 5.18
ChristianityIn everything, do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.
ConfucianismOne word which sums up the basis of all good conduct....loving-kindness. Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
HinduismThis is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.
IslamNot one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself.
JainismOne should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated.
JudaismWhat is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it.
Native SpiritualityWe are as much alive as we keep the earth alive.
SikhismI am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all.
TaoismRegard your neighbors gain as your own gain and your neighbors loss as your own loss.
UnitarianismWe affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
ZoroastrianismDo not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.
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Thanks for helping
Well, well, well. Looks like someone wondering if it's acceptable to get a pat on the back for their good deeds. Don't worry, my dear friend. You're not alone. It's a question that has plagued mankind for centuries.
Let me break it down for you - of course, it's okay to get credit for helping others! Now, don't get me wrong. You don't have to go all Kanye West and a standing ovation every time you help your neighbor move a couch. But there's no harm in acknowledging your contributions.
Here's the thing - we all work hard, and it's natural to want recognition for our efforts. Plus, giving credit where credit is due can also inspire others to follow in your footsteps. So own your good deeds, my friend. Embrace them like a proud grandmother showing off her grandkids' pictures.
At the end of the day, it's not about getting all the credit. It's about doing good, making a difference, and spreading kindness. And if that means getting a little recognition along the way, then so be it. After all, it's not like you're asking for a statue your honor. (Unless, of course, you are, in which case, I'll need to see a picture of said statue).
So, in conclusion, go ahead and accept those thank-you notes, those nods of appreciation, and those gold stars. And keep on doing good, my friend. Because at the end of the day, that's what really matters.
One of the recent causes we support:
Some examples we like:
Table of contents
What Does “Biphasic Effect” Mean?
The Biphasic Effects of Cannabis
How to Find the Right Dose
The Bottom Line
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
Have you ever noticed that one serving of an edible may make you feel calm and happy, but three servings may cause you to feel paranoid or anxious? If so, you’re experiencing the biphasic effects of cannabis.
Through the biphasic effects of cannabis, different concentrations of cannabinoids like CBD and THC result in varying physical and mental sensations. High doses of one cannabinoid may make a person feel alert, while lower doses of that same chemical may make a person feel relaxed (or vice-versa).
Learn more about the science behind the biphasic effects of cannabis and how to find the right dose to achieve your desired results.
What Does “Biphasic Effect” Mean?
Biphasic effect means a drug’s low and high doses cause opposite effects. Low doses of THC, for example, help some people to unwind. But high doses of THC could make those same people feel paranoid, even leading to hallucinations in extreme cases.
But biphasic effects are not limited to cannabis, and other drugs also cause opposite reactions at high and low concentrations. Alcohol, for example, may make you feel a pleasant “buzz” in small amounts, while large amounts could make you sad, as alcohol acts as a depressant.
All biphasic effects are rooted in how the brain, specifically the hippocampus, processes chemicals. Different doses of cannabis and other drugs interact uniquely with dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors, and other key neurotransmitters in the brain.
The Biphasic Effects of Cannabis
The biphasic effects of THC require greater care when compared with CBD and minor cannabinoids. This is because THC significantly impacts people’s emotions, perceptions, and physical reactions. Here are some science-backed examples of the potential biphasic effects of THC:
Memory and cognition: Positive effect on memory and cognition in low doses, negative effect in high doses
Anxiety: Decreases anxiety in low doses and increases anxiety in high doses
Fertility: More fertility in low doses, less fertility in high doses
Many studies on THC’s biphasic effects involve animal rather than human subjects. More research and clinical trials are needed involving humans to understand the biphasic THC effects that people may experience.
CBD is also biphasic, although to a lesser degree than its psychoactive counterpart, THC. CBD generally has more stimulating effects in lower doses and sedative effects in higher doses. People diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder may find these biphasic effects more pronounced with THC and CBD.
Another cannabinoid with distinct biphasic effects is tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV). THCV is anti-psychoactive in low doses — meaning it can reduce some of THC’s psychoactivity — and is psychoactive in higher doses — meaning that it can synergize with THC and increase cannabis’ psychoactivity to some extent.
How to Find the Right Dose
Finding the right dose of cannabis can make the difference between feeling good and having a negative experience or “bad trip.” While there are no guarantees for how cannabis will make you feel (especially if you are new to the plant), there are ways to help avoid unwanted effects.
Here are some tips for creating the “cannabis cocktail” that is right for you:
Start Low, Go Slow
You can easily increase your cannabis dosage but can’t undo what you’ve already consumed. If you’re inexperienced with the psychoactive cannabinoid THC, start with the smallest amount possible. THC is often the culprit behind a negative cannabis experience, as too much of the cannabinoid could leave you feeling agitated, paranoid, or even panicked.
Start with 5 milligrams or less of THC to help prevent negative psychoactive effects. Also, consume your weed slowly over the course of a few hours rather than minutes. You may find after an hour of slow, low-dose consumption that you’ve reached your desired high and can stop there.
Choose the Right Ingestion Method
Some cannabis ingestion methods or routes of administration are more potent than others. Edibles have a reputation for having the strongest and longest-lasting effects on people. Consuming cannabis edibles in high doses has also sent countless people to the emergency room.
Rather than baking a batch of pot brownies, consider applying topical cannabis oil to your skin or placing a few drops of tincture under your tongue (sublingual). But if you choose to eat cannabis, follow the start low and go slow mantra, tipping your cannabinoid ratios more toward CBD than THC.
Use CBD Products
You can enjoy the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis while consuming minimal amounts of THC. CBD products are widely available in health stores and other specialty shops. The item must contain no more than 0.3% THC to qualify as a CBD product. CBD products are also a good alternative if you live in a state that has not yet legalized medical marijuana.
The Bottom Line
With the right dose and CBD:THC ratio, you can help manage the biphasic effects of cannabis. Trial and error will likely come into play as you discover which dose and which consumption method works best for you.
In general, low doses of THC can help reduce anxiety and depression, and high doses of THC may prompt anxiety or a depressive episode. On the other hand, moderate to high doses of CBD may have sedative effects that can reduce anxiety, and lower doses of CBD may have more stimulating effects that may not manage anxiety or depression well.
If you have a specific medical condition you’re trying to treat with cannabis, speak with a healthcare provider that is well-versed in cannabis. If you don’t have one, Leafwell can match you with a medical marijuana doctor in your state.
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
The main difference between full-spectrum CBD (cannabidiol) and CBD isolate is that full-spectrum CBD contains other Cannabis sativa compounds in the final product. In contrast, CBD isolate is a pure form of CBD, having no other hemp plant compounds.
Full spectrum CBD has small amounts of THC content (legally no more than 0.3%), terpenes, flavonoids, and different cannabinoids like cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabinol (CBN).
Isolate CBD products can come in their crystalline form (CBD crystals), with the crystals often ground up and sold as a powder. Many products contain CBD only and no other cannabis/hemp compounds (so 0 THC), including various edibles, oils, and topicals.
Full-spectrum CBD products benefit from the entourage effect; That is, the combination of various cannabis compounds synergistically modulates the overall psychoactive effects of the plant as well as increases their potential therapeutic effects. CBD isolates do not benefit the entourage effect but could be helpful for those who are extra sensitive to THC or need to avoid it entirely for employment purposes.
What Is Full-Spectrum CBD?
Full-spectrum CBD refers to products that contain various cannabis compounds from cannabis, including THC and other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Full-spectrum CBD products refer to hemp-based products with 0.3% THC or less, but technically could be a term applied to CBD-rich psychoactive cannabis.
CBD products that contain no THC but do contain other cannabis compounds are referred to as “broad-spectrum CBD.”
How It Works
The precise mechanism of how CBD works in the human body is unknown, but CBD is an antagonist of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists. This means that, in the presence of THC, CBD dampens THC’s effects. It is also thought that, even though CBD has a low affinity for binding to CB1 and CB2 receptors, the compound “behaves as a non-competitive negative allosteric modulator of CB1 receptor,” reducing the potency of THC and anandamide. However, this effect may also increase the amount of time THC or anandamide spends in the body by inhibiting their reuptake and degradation.
CBD’s potential as a mood regulator and treatment of anxiety and depression could be due to its action on serotonin receptors. CBD interacts with serotonin receptor 5HT1A, modulating serotonergic transmission.
CBD is also biphasic, so it has different effects at different dosages. CBD has more stimulating effects in low doses and more sedative effects in higher doses. Anecdotal and some lab-based evidence suggest that doses lower than 50 mg may be more stimulating, and higher doses of 300 mg or above may have more sedative properties. Doses of 100 mg or above may also be sedative. However, as everyone has a different endocannabinoid system (ECS), the effects of CBD may differ from person to person. So what may be a stimulating or sedative dose for one person may not be for another.
Adding in other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids complicate matters when it comes to the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of cannabis. The presence of CBN may enhance a product’s sleepy effects, whereas the presence of CBG may have more stimulating effects. Terpenes like myrcene, linalool, and humulene have sedative effects, while products lower in myrcene and higher in terpinolene (alpha-terpineol) and limonene may be more stimulating. Flavonoids affect not only the taste and color of the plant but also have anti-inflammatory effects similar to aspirin. Atypical cannabinoids like beta-caryophyllene (a terpene) also have anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to CBD’s overall effects.
There is no definitive evidence that full-spectrum CBD works for any specific condition, but anecdotal reports and current scientific research suggest that it may help manage:
Chronic pain
Neuropathic pain (nerve pain)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Stress and inflammation
Potential Benefits
Many believe that the therapeutic benefits of cannabis and hemp lie in the unique combination of various compounds in every plant. Phytocannabinoids (plant cannabinoids) work together and balance each other out, contributing to cannabis’ anti-inflammatory effects and tempering its negative effects. Full-spectrum CBD products benefit from the entourage effect.
Risks and Drawbacks
Although full-spectrum CBD products are not intoxicating in the way THC-rich products are, it may be possible to mistakenly purchase a full-spectrum CBD product that contains a percentage of THC higher than 0.3%. Even though hemp-based formulations tend to contain 0.3% THC or less, some products may have more than this due to inconsistencies in production. In rare instances, getting a psychoactive level of THC may be possible.
The more THC-containing CBD oil you administer daily, the more THC builds up, even if it’s extremely low at 0.3%. For example, a 60 ml bottle of full-spectrum CBD oil can contain up to 18 mg of THC. Although it is unlikely that you will consume a whole bottle in one sitting, using a few milliliters of full-spectrum CBD oil several times a day can still mean consuming more THC than you intend. Regular consumption over time also means that you may fail a drug test, even if you never got “high” from the THC.
This buildup of THC can also cause other potential problems, especially for those sensitive to the cannabinoid. Those who have epilepsy, for example, may need a highly purified form of CBD to prevent the THC from potentially counteracting CBD’s anti-seizure properties and/or causing aftereffects like post-seizure oxygen deprivation.
It is worth noting that the biphasic effects of THC may give it both anti-convulsant and pro-convulsant effects, so for many, the risks associated with it may be best avoided. On the other hand, some people may require a little THC to get the effects they need. However, full-spectrum hemp-based CBD oils may not be ideal for this purpose, and a medical marijuana card may be required to access the high-quality, CBD-rich cannabis products you need.
What Is CBD Isolate?
CBD isolate is a purified form of cannabidiol with no other compounds from the cannabis plant. It is usually 99%+ pure CBD and can be bought in its crystalline solid or powdered form. CBD-only products made using CBD isolate, such as oil-based tinctures, edibles, drinkables, and topicals, are also available.
How It Works
We have described how CBD works above. CBD isolate does not have to contend with or work with other plant compounds; there could be several differences in pharmacokinetics. However, to what extent CBD’s mechanism of action changes when taken with or without other cannabis plant compounds is not precisely known.
CBD isolate may be helpful for many of the same health concerns full-spectrum CBD may be beneficial for, such as chronic pain, stress, and anxiety.
Epidiolex, a purified form of cannabis-derived CBD suspended in an oral solution, is prescribed for forms of epilepsy like Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Dravet syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis complex. Epidiolex contains a very high level of CBD required for its sedative properties, and it is not usually considered a CBD isolate product.
Potential Benefits
The big benefit of CBD isolates is that you are extremely unlikely to test positive for THC in a drug test. Those working in federal employment or highly sensitive to THC may prefer a CBD isolate product.
CBD isolate also has no distinctive smell or taste, so it is ideal for cooking.
Risks and Drawbacks
The main drawback of CBD isolate is that you cannot take advantage of the entourage effect, and it is suggested that the combination of the various compounds in cannabis boosts CBD’s therapeutic properties.
Another drawback is that higher doses of CBD isolate may be required for therapeutic effects compared to full-spectrum CBD. This can also increase the chances of negative side effects, such as dry mouth, GI upset, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue.
Similarities and Differences Between Full-Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate
Both full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate contain cannabidiol, but that is where the similarities end. It is best to think of the two as different products, as the presence of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in full-spectrum products significantly changes CBD’s pharmacology.
How to Decide Which Is Best For You
There are pluses and minuses to both full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. In general, full-spectrum CBD is considered to have greater therapeutic effects, but there are some scenarios where pure CBD may be ideal.
When to Use Full-Spectrum CBD
As full-spectrum CBD contains many different cannabis compounds, it is thought to have greater therapeutic benefits. Full-spectrum CBD may be a better choice for chronic pain management and insomnia.
When to Use CBD Isolate
CBD isolate is best used if you are particularly sensitive to THC or have to avoid THC due to your job.
You may prefer to use both CBD isolate and full-spectrum CBD. For example, low doses of CBD isolate during the day for its stimulating and anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effects and myrcene-rich, full-spectrum CBD at night for its more sedative effects.
The Bottom Line
Both CBD isolate and full-spectrum CBD have their place in cannabis. Even though full-spectrum CBD is believed to have a greater therapeutic effect, there are some instances where CBD isolate is useful. This could be said of any purified cannabinoid from the psychoactive cannabis or hemp plant.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does full-spectrum mean?
A product claiming to be “full spectrum” is a product that contains low levels of THC (no more than 0.3% in the U.S.), other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids from the cannabis plant. Legal, full-spectrum CBD is extracted from hemp plants.
Which is better: CBD isolate or full spectrum?
Although there is no “better” option, it is arguable that a full-spectrum CBD product is more effective as an anti-inflammatory due to the presence of other cannabinoids and terpenes.
Is CBD isolate stronger?
It is thought that larger doses of CBD isolate are needed for therapeutic effects compared to full-spectrum CBD, but there is no definitive evidence that this is the case. The entourage effect suggests that the synergy between various cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in cannabis boosts the effects of CBD. This would mean that full-spectrum CBD is stronger than CBD isolate.
However, a purified substance can differ from a full-spectrum, botanical preparation. Purified CBD may have stronger effects on the human body, as there are no other compounds to balance out its effects. However, as CBD tends to have no intoxicating effect, it can be difficult to say which is stronger and at what dosage.
Branding 101, it starts with giving your brand a name that is unique and memorable. Protecting that name (through trademark and copyright) is a must! Then, it's time to design a logo, choose a color palette, and form a strategy to set your brand apart from the competition. This is perhaps the most important part of building a brand – positioning it with the right messaging and approach. Once the foundation of your brand is in place, you can go ahead and start marketing it to the world. That's Branding 101 – easier said than done!
" ( a brand that is destined to become a household name”.
Th`k: name
Naming is everything when it comes to your brand, because it's the first thing that people hear and see. It's an indication of what you stand for and sets the tone for how people experience you. It's the first step in creating an emotional connection and is arguably one of the most powerful tools for influencing people. It's how you differentiate your brand from the competition and really allows you to grab people's attention. Simply put, a well thought-out brand name can be the difference between your business making a big splash or fading into oblivion. Put simply, if you want to stand out in a crowded marketplace, you need to pick a name that's as unique as your brand.
Th`k: strategy
When it comes to forming a successful brand, it is important to have a clear position, mission and vision in place. A brand’s position outlines what it stands for and what makes it different from competitors. The mission statement is a concise expression of the brand’s purpose and how it adds value to customers. A vision statement is a long-term strategic plan that conveys the purpose and guides the direction of the brand.
Although a brand’s vision may take many years or even decades to achieve in full, it is important for the brand to think big and think beyond the current marketplace. By having a clear vision (even if it can’t be fully realized today) it gives the brand something to strive for and helps to keep it focused on the long-term goal. Having a strong foundation of a brand, with an articulated position, mission and vision, will help lay a platform that can support long-term success.
Th`k: protection
Protecting the name and logo of your own business venture or product is an important part of establishing yourself in the marketplace. Trademarks protect your name and logo from being used by other people, companies, or organizations in the same industry. With a trademark, you have the legal right to use your name and logo exclusively and prevent copycats from taking a free ride on your hard work.
When you register for a trademark, you typically have to provide photographs of the logo and a description of how it relates to your business. Additionally, you may need to provide proof of its use in commerce. Once granted, you can use the ™ symbol for the unregistered version and the ® symbol for the registered version. This symbol is a visible reminder to anyone else that you own the trademark and also shows your commitment to protecting it.
Having a trademarked logo and name not only increases the value of your brand, but also adds a certain level of trust and respect with customers. So, if you want to establish your business or product in the marketplace, put some thought into your branding and get it trademarked!
Th`k: hierarchy
Creating a hierarchy for a brand is like creating a map for the consumer's journey. It helps guide them step by step, from your brand name down to your tagline and further to the ultimate destination you have in mind. This system of organization helps consumers gain a better understanding of your brand, enabling them to associate it with the product or service you provide. Moreover, it establishes a clear route for them to take, leading to a more streamlined and meaningful experience with your brand. So start mapping now and create a brand hierarchy that will bring your customers to their destination while keeping them fully engaged!
Th`k: color palette
A brand color palette should feature inviting and flexible colors that complement each other. Color combinations need to be chosen carefully to ensure that both the individual colors and their combinations work together within a design. A successful brand color palette should include a primary color – typically a dark, vibrant hue – to serve as the foundation of the brand, plus secondary and tertiary colors that pair well with the primary. The success of the palette depends on the ability to understand how complementary and contrasting colors work together, and how they will best translate across different platforms. It’s a good idea to keep the color palette to a manageable number of shades, ensuring that the chosen colors still blend well but can also have enough variance to add variation to designs without overwhelming them.
Th`k: brand equity
It can indeed be quite a challenge to secure an inviting and memorable fourletter .com domain name, as these tend to be highly sought-after and very rare. From a branding perspective, a short and memorable .com website has the potential to act as an incredibly valuable asset to a business, with tremendous value when it comes to “brand equity.”
Brand equity is a measure of the perceived value associated with a brand. It’s the added value that can be attributed to a product or service due to its name, logo, slogan, and other factors that contribute to brand identity. A great domain name is one of the key factors that can contribute to a brand’s identity and therefore increase its brand equity. In other words, a high-quality domain name can be a powerful tool in building a brand’s reputation and recognition.
Th`k: alignment
Logos may be simple in appearance but don't let that fool you - the best logos often require a lot of work to ensure they are perfectly aligned. It's important that the various elements of a logo work in harmony together, and so, in order to make sure this is achieved, often a designer has to adjust the measure, size, and positioning numerous times. Alignment is key when it comes to creating an inviting visual, and so designers must do their utmost to make sure their logos are perfectly aligned to help make a lasting impression.
Do you have those moments when something stops you in your tracks, and makes you take note, and says “This is important, I better not forget this”? Well, one such occasion happened to me many years ago. I was on location for an advertising television shoot in LA. The setting was a bar/restaurant that we’d rented for the day. As most shoots go it’s a lot of hurry up and wait. As the set was being arranged and propped I started to explore the surroundings. As I made my way past the bar through to the employee-only area something caught my eye. Up on the wall, by itself was a single well aged 8x11 poster in large type.
A couple of things struck me. First, this was important to someone. I mean to tell you this was old, torn, with yellow tape and stains, grease marks and brittle edges. So it had survived a lot. What looked like trash was something to be treasured.
Second, The writing was so simple and so true. One simple word explained. It made me think about my own life and how I had gotten through adversities or perhaps surprised myself and others with some accomplishments. I found myself nodding in agreement with each sentence.
Third, I thought about how inspiring it was, and by its placement in the bowels of the establishment, who was it meant to inspire, and wondered if it had. Obviously whoever put it up felt strongly about it. It wasn’t in a place for customers to see, it was for the employees. It made me think that the management knew that the best employees weren’t ones that you just trained and stood over to make sure that they did their job correctly. That the making of a great employee comes from within. They just needed a little reminding of that at times. Also, this was much more important than just a work reminder. It was about life and whoever put that up on the wall respected individuals and wanted them to be successful.
Lastly, as I wrote these wise words into my journal (which I carry everywhere) I realized I had no idea who wrote it and wished I knew more about the author. It wasn’t until years later that I started doing research on who it was.
May I introduce you to Charles Swindoll, Pastor, author, and educator?
Through the years I have recreated the poster I saw so long ago and passed it on to students, colleagues, and friends. Fill free to do the same.
A positive attitude can completely change your life. Think of it as an inside job. Only you are responsible for your attitude. Begin by taking full responsibility for your attitude. It’s something we can control and if necessary change each and every day of our lives depending on what we are facing that day. A great role model who had such a positive attitude in life was my father, Jack S. Harris. I remember that he often would say, son “Don’t worry about the things you don’t have any control over”, great advice.
Some interesting information I found on the positives of developing a good attitude.
Listen up, Thnkrs: It’s time to kick negative self-talk to the curb and start developing positive self-talk techniques. Because we all know the voice inside our heads can be a bit of a wild card. With a little bit of practice, we can turn that internal dialogue into a cheerleader, rather than a grumpy old man.
First, let's remember that positive self-talk isn't about being unrealistic or living in a constant state of denial. It's about acknowledging our strengths, embracing our weaknesses, and finding ways to motivate us to be the best versions of ourselves possible. So, next time you catch yourself thinking negatively, try replacing that thought with something positive. For example, "I'm not good at this" could become "I may struggle with this, but I can improve with practice and determination."
Another trick is to talk to yourself like you would talk to a close friend. We tend to be much kinder and gentler with our loved ones than we are with ourselves. So, why not extend that same compassion and support to ourselves? You got this, buddy!
And lastly, don't be afraid to give yourself a little pep talk. Whether it's before a big presentation at work or a challenging workout, a little bit of positive self-talk can go a long way. Remind yourself of your past successes, your unique qualities, and your potential for greatness. And remember, even if things don't go exactly as planned, you are still capable and worthy of love and happiness.
However, if you’re generally a negative person, your self-talk will be more negative.
Identifying negative thinking is the first step to kicking it to the curb. Let's dive into the four categories.
First up, Magnifying: You know the drill - your vacation was amazing, but all you can talk about is the overpriced plane ticket and the terrible food on the plane. It's like you're wearing negativity goggles that only allow you to see the bad parts of the situation. Take off those goggles, my friend, and marvel at the beauty of the rest of the world.
Next, Polarizing: Life isn't black and white, there's a whole range of colors and gray areas in between. And yet, here you are, thinking that if you're not perfect, you're an utter failure. Let me tell you a secret - nobody's perfect. So stop polarizing your thoughts and start embracing the messy, imperfect, but oh-sobeautiful parts of life.
Now, Catastrophizing: Oh boy, do we love to expect the worst. You spill coffee on your shirt and suddenly the rest of the day is doomed. Newsflash - accidents happen, and they don't dictate the entire course of your day. Take a deep breath, change your shirt if you can, and carry on living your best life.
Finally, Personalizing: Bad things happen, it's a fact of life. But just because your boss is in a bad mood doesn't mean it's your fault. Don't blame yourself for things that are out of your control. Instead, focus on the things you can control - your attitude and response to the situation.
There you have it, Thnkrs:. The four categories of negative thinking. Identify them, and you're one step closer to improving your self-talk. Now go forth and conquer those negative thoughts with the power of positivity and a sprinkle of witty humor. When you recognize what types of negative thinking you have, you can use the power of self-talk to help you. It doesn’t happen overnight. But with time, practice, and dedication, you can correct your negative self-talk.
So, let's start practicing those positive self-talk techniques and quit that negative self-talk cold turkey. Because let's be honest, there's already enough negativity in the world without us contributing to it. Cheers to a more positive and empowering internal dialogue!
A list of some of the health benefits of positive thinking.
Healthier immune system
Reduced pain
Better cardiovascular health
Improved mental health
Improved self-esteem
Increased vitality
Greater life satisfaction
Reduced stress
Better physical well-being
Increased lifespan
But one may assume that having a positive outlook helps to cope better with stress.
Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress
21 Ways to Create and Maintain a Positive Attitude
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
Aromadendrene (aka alloaromadendrene) is a sesquiterpenoid and a natural product found in mushrooms of the Melanoleuca genus, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and sour fruits.
Aromadendrene is also found in cannabis and plays a part in the plant’s anti-inflammatory properties via the entourage effect. This makes aromadendrene potentially very useful for managing chronic pain. Aromadendrene also has anti-cancer and antibacterial properties.
Some suggest that aromadendrene helps tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) more readily. Aromadendrene is said to have an earthy, wood-like smell.
What Is Aromadendrene?
Aromadendrene is said to have a moderately earthy and wood-like smell and is often found in eucalyptus trees, guava leaves, pineapple, and cannabis oil. Aromadendrene is a sesquiterpenoid with the molecular formula C15H24. Other sesquiterpenoids, like sativene and sesquiracene, also have the same molecular formula. Sesquiterpenoids are the most diverse class of terpenoids.
Terpenoids are terpenes that contain other functional groups, sometimes containing oxygen. This means that, although related to terpenes, terpenoids are a class of compounds of their own with distinct effects and pharmacology.
Terpenes are considered a subclass of terpenoids. Diterpenes and sesquiterpenes are also terpenoids. Hydrolysis (splitting with water) of intermediates from farnesyl pyrophosphate gives sesquiterpenoids, and hydrolysis of intermediates from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate gives diterpenoids.
How Aromadendrene Works
Aromadendrene’s efficacy could be due to its structure, which contains:
An exocyclic methylene group that confers antibacterial properties.
A cyclopropane ring that has anesthetic properties that could help reduce pain sensation.
Various terpenoids in cannabis trigger sensations like smell and taste. Triggering these sensations can elicit specific reactions based on targeted receptor systems. Most terpenes (except the terpene and atypical cannabinoid, beta-caryophyllene) do not, as far as we know so far, interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). However, this does not mean terpenes do not affect other receptor systems and contribute to the overall therapeutic effects of cannabis. In the case of aromadendrene, it acts on both serotonin and dopamine receptors and can promote the release of serotonin.
Health Benefits and Uses
Aromadendrene has potential therapeutic uses as an:
Antibacterial, with aromadendrene synergizing with the terpene cineole and enhancing their antibacterial effects.
Anti-cancer terpenoid, especially when combined with β-caryophyllene.
Extracts from the leaves (and sometimes fresh leaves) of the plant, Vernonia scorpioides (common names include bitterleaf, ewuro, ndole, and onugbu), have been used topically in traditional medicine for the treatment of various skin problems (e.g., pruritus, or itchy skin), allergies and chronic ulcers. Vernonia scorpioides contains many terpenes and terpenoids, including germacrene D, transcariophilene, limonene, Δ-cardinene, bicyclogermacrene, β-pinene, β-myrcene, α-copaene, α-humulene, polyacetylene, glaucolide, scorpioidin and sesquiterpene lactones alongside aromadendrene.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is aromadendrene used for?
In traditional medicine, extracts from plants containing aromadendrene were used topically to treat various skin conditions, including pruritus, irritation, and acne. It is also an industrial compound used in perfumery and skincare products.
What is aromadendrene found in?
Aromadendrene is commonly found in many plants throughout the world, including cannabis. Some plants with high concentrations of aromadendrene include:
Various plants of the Eucalyptus genus, including Eucalyptus globulus (Southern blue gum or blue gum), Eucalyptus radiata (narrow-leaved peppermint or Forth River peppermint), Eucalyptus dives (broad-leaf peppermint or blue peppermint) and Eucalyptus citriodora (lemon-scented gum).
Cleome amblyocarpa (spider flower).
Plants of the genus Kickxia, such as Kickxia spuria (roundleaf cancerwort or round-leaved fluellen) and Kickxia elatine (sharpleaf cancerwort).
Is aromadendrene good for health?
There is no known evidence that aromadendrene is harmful to health when consumed in fruit, vegetables, or cannabis. However, it is possible to face some adverse effects due to consumption of or overexposure to essential oils containing aromadendrene, such as:
Persistent cough, gagging/choking, shortness of breath, wheezing.
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Skin irritation (skin exposure) and contact dermatitis.
Chemical burns.
Eye redness, irritation, or pain (eye exposures).
In rare instances or after consuming large amounts, slow/shallow breathing, seizures, or coma.
Essential oils can be toxic when consumed or misapplied as they contain high, concentrated doses of terpenes and terpenoids.
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
Both cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabidiol (CBD) are phytocannabinoids (plant cannabinoids), and CBG is a minor cannabinoid not found in large concentrations in the cannabis plant. In contrast, CBD is one of two major cannabinoids found in much higher concentrations in cannabis, alongside tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
What Is CBG?
CBG is the decarboxylated version of cannabigerolic acid (CBGA). In the cannabis plant, CBGA is considered the “parent cannabinoid,” as it is the precursor to both tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). Enzymes in cannabis convert CBGA to CBDA. However, there is often a small amount of CBGA/CBG left in the cannabis plant even after it is fully matured and harvested. Some varieties of cannabis may contain more CBG than others, and it is often the third most common phytocannabinoid found in cannabis.
How It Works
Little is known about how CBG works and interacts with the body, but it is thought to be a CB1 and CB2 receptor antagonist in the presence of THC, meaning it blocks or reduces the responsiveness of CB1 and CB2 receptors when used at the same time as THC. This means that CBG could actually dampen THC’s psychoactivity to some extent.
Other research suggests that CBG is a partial agonist of CB1 and CB2 receptors but does not have the same psychoactive effects THC has. CBG may also inhibit the reuptake of the human body’s version of THC, anandamide, as it inhibits the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase. This can increase the amount of anandamide in the body.
Some research suggests that high doses of CBG can also reduce THC and CBD’s anti-emetic (anti-nausea) properties due to its potential as a serotonin receptor 5HT1A antagonist. Still, this research was performed on rats and does not necessarily mean it’ll have the same therapeutic potential in humans.
Overall, it seems that CBG’s effects are complicated. Many strains (cultivars) do not tend to contain high levels of CBG, but some types contain 1%-2%, which seems to affect the overall experience of the cannabis consumed.
Cannabis varieties high in CBG have been reported as having more stimulating, energizing effects, especially when combined with terpenes like limonene and terpinolene (alpha-terpinene). This makes this cannabinoid potentially very useful for:
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
CBG may also have some anti-cancer properties.
Potential Benefits
Contributes to the entourage effect of cannabis.
Has anti-cancer properties, especially when combined with other cannabinoids.
It has more uplifting effects, making it useful for daytime use and those seeking to alleviate a low mood.
Can help relieve pain and inflammation and may help manage weight, too.
Could help relieve nerve pain (neuropathy).
Risks and Drawbacks
CBG could reverse the anti-nausea effects of THC and CBD when used in high doses.
Reports of both an increase and a decrease in appetite can be a risk or drawback, depending on your condition.
What Is CBD?
CBD is the decarboxylated form of CBDA, and it is a non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid that is often second-most abundant in the cannabis or hemp plant.
How It Works
Even though CBD has a low affinity for binding to CB1 and CB2 receptors, the compound “behaves as a non-competitive negative allosteric modulator” of the body’s cannabinoid receptors reducing the potency of THC. CBD is sometimes considered a CB1 receptor antagonist because of this. CBD interacts with serotonin receptor 5HT1A, modulating serotonergic transmission.
CBD is also a COX-2 enzyme inhibitor, helping relieve pain and inflammation similarly to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen.
CBD provides therapeutic benefits for conditions like:
Chronic pain
Neuropathic pain (nerve pain)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Stress and inflammation
CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects could also make it useful for cancer, epilepsy, and autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Potential Benefits
Potential benefits of CBD include:
A reduction in pain
Risks and Drawbacks
The quality of products is highly variable.
May need the presence of other cannabinoids to be effective.
CBD can interfere with the metabolism of certain drugs, including anti-seizure medications and painkillers.
Similarities and Differences Between CBG and CBD
Even though CBGA is CBDA’s parent compound, it is found in cannabis in much lower percentages.
Despite being different in many ways, CBG and CBD are thought to have some similarities in the effects that have been reported, including:
Energizing in low doses.
Helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression.
Both cannabinoids may help maintain a healthy weight.
How to Decide Which Is Best For You
The combination of both may be ideal and most useful. Due to its low percentage in cannabis, there are few CBG-only products, and the ones that exist may vary in quality.
When to Use CBG
CBG-rich products may be best utilized during the daytime, especially with CBD.
When to Use CBD
CBD-rich products are ideal for daytime use due to their lack of intoxicating effects. High doses of CBD may be ideal for those looking to alleviate anxiety or insomnia.
The Bottom Line
CBD and CBG are useful for many conditions due to their stress-beating and anti-inflammatory effects, and they are best used together and influence how each cannabinoid behaves. However, both compounds are complex and more research is needed before we can determine conclusively how beneficial cannabinoids are.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is CBG or CBD better?
Neither cannabinoid is better than the other, and both have their potential uses. There is a greater abundance of research on CBD than CBG at the moment.
How is CBD different from CBG?
CBG and CBD are different cannabinoids with different effects. Neither is intoxicating in the way THC is, and CBG may even counteract some of THC’s and CBD’s effects.
What is better for sleep, CBG or CBD?
In low doses, neither cannabinoid is good for sleep. CBG and CBD may need to be consumed in higher doses for sedative effects.
Table of contents
Types of Terpenes
How Terpenes Work in Cannabis
The Bottom Line
Frequently Asked Questions
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
Terpenes are aromatic compounds, which means they are responsible for the fragrances that we can smell in many plants. The cannabis species has around 200 different terpenes.
However, at least 20,000 other terpenes exist elsewhere in nature.
While cannabis plants are primarily used because they contain delta-9-THC and cannabidiol (CBD), some studies claim that terpenes could also have an impact on the effects of cannabis.
Terpenes are not necessarily intoxicating like THC, but could be considered psychoactive as they do affect the brain and could create a high feeling. Terpenes contribute to the cannabis high through a mechanism known as the entourage effect.
Types of Terpenes
More than 200 different terpenes have been identified in the cannabis plant. Each plant has different combinations and quantities of these terpenes. Some of the most common terpenes in cannabis include:
Myrcene is found in citrus fruits, lemongrass, carrots and pomegranate. Caryophyllene is present in black pepper and several spices. Humulene is found in many herbs. Limonene is in citrus peels, and linalool is in coriander.
Terpenes do not possess any psychoactive effects, which means they will not get you high on their own. But since these compounds exist within the cannabis plant, many people are still curious whether they have some effect on the body. Given that everyday foods also contain these terpenes, it is unlikely they will make anyone high.
However, it has been suggested that terpenes might enhance the effects of psychoactive cannabinoids such as delta-9-THC. Scientists refer to this mechanism as the entourage effect. So, while terpenes alone cannot make you high, they affect the brain and influence, amplify or dampen psychoactive effects when coupled with specific compounds. Terpenes are not intoxicating, but are technically psychoactive.
How Terpenes Work in Cannabis
THC and CBD produce effects on their own, but different terpenes enhance those effects. Other compounds within the cannabis plant, such as flavonoids, may also contribute to this synergy.
For example, Cannabis sativa is a strain with higher THC quantities. However, sativa plants with more caryophyllene are said to enhance the high from THC. Furthermore, scientific evidence demonstrates that this terpene can bind to the same receptors as THC, most notably CB2 receptors (not CB1 receptors). Hence, caryophyllene might play an important role in the effect that THC has on the body.
In contrast, Cannabis sativa plants with higher quantities of limonene are said to increase alertness.
Additionally, myrcene might also have a synergistic effect with CBD. High quantities of myrcene can be found within the Cannabis indica strain. This terpene is said to have a calming and relaxing effect. CBD also has these effects, and when combined with myrcene, the anxiety reduction could be more significant. Cannabis varieties with less myrcene and more limonene could be more uplifting, whereas varieties higher in myrcene could be more sedative.
Some researchers also think that terpenes could be used for therapeutic benefits once more evidence has come to light. For instance, some forms of pharmaceutical cannabis and cannabinoid-based medications only contain pure forms of THC or CBD. By adding terpenes to the formula, the therapeutic effects of these compounds could be enhanced. They may not only add to the high sensation, but they could also help with health and wellbeing, as well as reduce the impact of adverse effects.
Overall, terpenes appear to help other compounds by improving their effects. Despite this, they have little to no effect on their own. Future research will investigate this connection in further detail to determine how one particular terpene could alter the effects of THC or CBD.
The Bottom Line
Terpenes are interesting compounds because of their entourage effect, which enhances the effects of the cannabinoids THC and CBD. Terpenes alone cannot make you high; however, they can contribute to a cannabis high due to their interaction. More research is required to understand this process in greater detail. However, it does look promising, and scientists also think terpenes could have therapeutic value.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do terpenes influence the effects of cannabis?
Terpenes influence the effects of cannabis via a mechanism known as the entourage effect. For example, this mechanism can enhance or facilitate the effects of THC by binding to the same receptors in the body that THC does, or by influencing the behavior of other receptor systems such as dopamine, serotonin and GABA receptors.
Are terpenes more important than THC?
THC does not necessarily require terpenes to be effective. However, terpenes can enhance the effects of THC slightly. THC has a well-defined and noticeable effect. The benefits of terpenes, although not as immediately impactful as THC, is not to be undermined, as they contain many anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Terpenes could be said to be equally as important as THC, although this may depend upon person and condition.
Table of contents
What Is 11-hydroxy-THC?
How It Impacts the Human Body
How to Avoid Consuming Too Much 11-hydroxy-THC
Frequently Asked Questions
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
When you eat a product containing THC, your liver will process the THC and convert it into 11-hydroxy-THC. 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) is the main active metabolite of THC.
11-hydroxy THC has a psychoactive effect similar to THC but has a faster onset, and it may be particularly effective for people suffering from chronic pain. However, the body’s absorption rates of 11-hydroxy-THC are relatively low, and the compound is not easy to keep stable outside of using solvents.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may be the better option for using medical cannabis for pain and stress, but 11-hydroxy THC does have its uses, especially when it comes to inflammation. Unfortunately, the metabolite has not yet been studied in any great detail for its medicinal and therapeutic properties, but this is the case for THC as well.
What Is 11-hydroxy-THC?
11-hydroxy-THC is the third form of a chemical found in raw cannabis. It will start as THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) in fresh cannabis, converted into THC after aging and heating. When consumed, THC is metabolized by the liver into 11-hydroxy-THC and then 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC.
Eating THC-infused edibles increases the amount of 11-hydroxy-THC available in the blood because oral consumption allows THC to pass through the liver first. THC passes through the liver first, called the “first-pass effect” or “first-pass metabolism.” The liver enzyme CYP2C9 is responsible for metabolizing THC.
Interestingly, when cannabis is consumed in this way, less THC makes its way around the body, and more THC is excreted. However, as the THC passes through the liver first, it is more readily converted into 11-hydroxy-THC. 1 mg of THC consumed orally can feel more potent than 1 mg of inhaled THC.
Inhaling THC via vaping or smoke means THC goes through the lungs and straight into the blood, so the liver doesn’t get to convert as much THC into 11-hydroxy-THC.
How It Impacts the Human Body
11-hydroxy-THC is thought to be 2-3 times more potent than THC and could have significantly more significant psychoactive effects. Orally consumed THC also needs to be digested first, so it can take longer for the effects to take about 1-2 hours.
There is little research into how 11-hydroxy THC affects the brain and the body. The increased duration of time edibles have an effect for and the potentially greater psychoactivity of 11-hydroxy THC suggests that it could help treat chronic pain and insomnia. However, those who are not tolerant of THC may find the effects overwhelming.
How to Avoid Consuming Too Much 11-hydroxy-THC
Slow-and-low is the ideal way to go when it comes to avoiding the over-ingestion of THC. We recommend starting with a dosage of around 2 – 3 mg, waiting for an hour or two to see what effect it has, then consuming 2 – 3 mg more if needed. You can always go forward, but you cannot go back.
It is easy to think, “This edible isn’t having any effect on me,” and then start eating more. The fact that so many edibles are sweet treats makes eating them all at once particularly enticing. However, it is best to avoid doing this, as many have become overly intoxicated this way. Having some non-cannabis (and ideally wholesome and healthy) treats to hand can help prevent overindulgence.
Check out our blog here for tips on counteracting a negative experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do people say the high from eating edibles is different?
The “high” you get from edibles is different from inhaling cannabis because THC passes through the digestive system and liver first, meaning a greater amount of THC is converted into the more psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC). Many people find that eating decarboxylated cannabis has a stronger effect than inhaling cannabis. The effecgts of edibles tend to last longer, too.
Why do cannabis edibles seem to have little to no effect on me?
Everyone has a different metabolism, so how one person processes THC can differ from how another person metabolizes THC. Genetic differences in liver enzymes like cytochrome P450 can affect how the body metabolizes drugs and medications, cannabis included.
Other variables such as diet and what you’ve had to eat recently, body-mass index (BMI), individual tolerance, and activity levels can all affect the experience you have on edibles. The presence of other cannabinoids and terpenes, like cannabidiol (CBD) and beta-caryophyllene, can also affect the overall experience, as CBD can dampen THC’s psychoactivity to some extent.
For more information on dosing medical cannabis, check out our guide here.
Table of contents
What Are Phytocannabinoids?
What’s the Difference Between Phytocannabinoids, Cannabinoids, and Endocannabinoids?
How Phytocannabinoids Work
How They’re Created
Functions, Benefits, and Therapeutic Uses
The Bottom Line
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
Phytocannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis plants, the most well-known being THC and CBD. They have a range of beneficial effects and can help relieve the symptoms of various medical conditions. Read on to learn more about how these compounds work.
What Are Phytocannabinoids?
Phytocannabinoids are the cannabinoids found in cannabis. Although over 150 known cannabinoids exist, the most common cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
While it was initially thought that only Cannabis sativa housed phytocannabinoids, scientists have discovered that some flowers, legumes, and fungi also contain these molecules. However, these particular phytocannabinoids have slightly different chemical structures and have not yet been shown to produce the effects of the classical cannabinoids in cannabis plants.
What’s the Difference Between Phytocannabinoids, Cannabinoids, and Endocannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are a class of molecules that cover both endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids. All cannabinoids have an active constituent that binds to the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) within the body.
There are natural cannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids. Synthetic cannabinoids come from artificial chemicals, are usually sprayed onto dried plant material, and are intended to mimic the effects of THC. However, they can be toxic, and many types of these synthetic cannabinoids are currently illegal in the United States.
Phytocannabinoids are a subgroup of cannabinoids that come from plants — mainly from cannabis — with the most common being THC and CBD.
THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid that causes the “high” feeling associated with cannabis ingestion. CBD does not cause intoxicating effects, but it has many therapeutic benefits.
Endocannabinoids — endogenous cannabinoids — are a subgroup of cannabinoids made in the body. They are found in the endocannabinoid system and play an essential role in maintaining homeostasis (balance). The two most important and well-studied endocannabinoids are anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG).
How Phytocannabinoids Work
Phytocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body and brain called CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are most prominent in the brain and central nervous system, while the CB2 receptors are primarily found in the immune and peripheral nervous systems.
THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain to elicit psychoactive effects and produce many therapeutic effects. CBD binds to the CB2 receptors to aid in reducing inflammation, regulating the immune response, and other therapeutic uses.
How They’re Created
Cannabinoids are naturally present in the cannabis plant but not in their active form. For example, THC and CBD are found in acidic forms in the plant as tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). CBDA and THCA come from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), where enzymes convert CBGA into CBDA or THCA.
You may experience some therapeutic benefits from these cannabinoid acids. However, the psychoactive effect and most therapeutic effects require the cannabinoids to be activated.
To be activated, these cannabinoid acids need to undergo a process called decarboxylation. This occurs when the cannabis is exposed to heat or light, such as smoked or cooked into edibles.
Functions, Benefits, and Therapeutic Uses
Cannabinoids regulate how the parts of the body communicate with each other via the nervous system. They can also alter how signals are sent, received, and processed around the body.
By binding to the CB receptors, cannabinoids can exert effects within the brain, central nervous system, immune system, and peripheral nervous system.
THC binds to the CB1 receptor in the brain to produce psychoactive effects, whereas CBD does not cause these effects. CBD is an antagonist of CB1 and CB2 receptors in the presence of THC (meaning it reduces the psychoactive effects of THC). It is thought to improve mood and induce relaxation without THC’s signature “high” by modulating serotonin receptor transmission and enhancing anandamide signaling.
Therapeutic uses
Phytocannabinoids have many therapeutic uses in the body. The main phytocannabinoids, THC and CBD are usually the cannabinoids that come to mind when considering cannabis effects; however, the minor cannabinoids also have therapeutic benefits.
THC. THC has many therapeutic benefits. It can be used to help treat or relieve symptoms of various conditions. These include:
Alzheimer’s disease
Autoimmune diseases and disorders
Cancer and cancer treatment
Chronic pain
Eating Disorders
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Neuropathic pain
Parkinson’s disease
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
CBD. Like THC, CBD can help treat and relieve symptoms of many conditions. Some of the conditions CBD may help include:
Chronic Pain
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Neuroprotective effects
Parkinson’s disease (PD)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Stroke
Minor cannabinoids. Minor cannabinoids in cannabis also have therapeutic uses.
Cannabichromene (CBC) may be used to help treat:
Depression and anxiety
Neurological conditions
Pain and inflammation
Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) may benefit those managing:
Alzheimer’s disease
Bone injuries
Low blood sugar
Cannabigerol (CBG) may benefit patients managing:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Head and brain trauma
Huntington’s disease
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Cannabinol (CBN) is sometimes called the sleepy cannabinoid as it is effective for treating insomnia due to its sedative effects.
Additional benefits of CBN include:
Anti-epileptic and anti-convulsant
Appetite stimulant
Diabetes treatment
Glaucoma treatment
Hypertension treatment
Mild pain relief
The Bottom Line
Phytocannabinoids come from plants, and the most common phytocannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). However, there are up to — and possibly over — 150 known cannabinoids.
Phytocannabinoids have a lot of therapeutic potential and may help relieve symptoms of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression and physical conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and inflammation.
Table of contents
What Are Endocannabinoids?
What’s the Difference Between Endocannabinoids, Cannabinoids, and Phytocannabinoids?
How Endocannabinoids Work
How They’re Created
Functions, Benefits, and Therapeutic Uses
The Bottom Line
This article was originally published on Leafwell.
Endocannabinoids are molecules that play a role in making sure your body functions properly. They have several therapeutic uses, including helping to regulate inflammation, stress, and pain. Let’s learn more about them and how they work in the human body.
What Are Endocannabinoids?
Endocannabinoids or “endogenous cannabinoids” are neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) made by your endocannabinoid system (ECS). They affect behavior and cognition in a similar manner to THC — one of the main cannabinoids found in cannabis — but are produced within the body.
The two most studied endocannabinoids are anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG). There are additional endocannabinoids, virodhamine, and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol ether, but these are not as well researched.
What’s the Difference Between Endocannabinoids, Cannabinoids, and Phytocannabinoids?
There’s a lot to learn about the ECS, including how cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, and phytocannabinoids differ. Basically: endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids are types of cannabinoids. The most significant difference between them is that your body makes endocannabinoids, whereas phytocannabinoids come from plants.
Here is a bit more information about each of these compounds:
Cannabinoids are a class of molecules that contain a carboxyl group. This covers both endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids. All cannabinoids have an active constituent that binds (attaches) to the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) within the brain and body or influences the behavior of cannabinoid receptors in some way if they do not bind to them directly.
Endocannabinoids are a sub-group of cannabinoids that are made in the body. The two most important and well-studied endocannabinoids are anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG).
Phytocannabinoids are a sub-group of cannabinoids that come from plants, specifically cannabis plants. There are over 150 different phytocannabinoids that have been discovered in cannabis plants, the most well-known being THC and CBD.
THC is a psychoactive, intoxicating cannabinoid. When it binds to the CB1 receptors in the brain, it causes the “high” feeling commonly associated with cannabis ingestion. CBD does not have the same psychoactive effects as THC; however, it produces a lot of therapeutic benefits.
How Endocannabinoids Work
Endocannabinoids bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are found predominantly throughout the brain and central nervous system (CNS), and CB2 receptors are most commonly found within the immune system and peripheral nervous system.
Endocannabinoids can bind to either cannabinoid receptor and elicit a different response from each type. If an endocannabinoid binds to a CB1 receptor in the CNS, it may help to relieve pain. In contrast, an endocannabinoid that attaches to a CB2 receptor in the immune system might help relieve symptoms of inflammation.
How They’re Created
Endocannabinoids are made from lipid membranes in the body. When the right signals occur, the endocannabinoids are “synthesized” and released into the body.
The process that initiates the synthesis of endocannabinoids is not completely clear, though it is believed to involve an elevation of calcium inside the cells. It is also thought that the synthesis of each endocannabinoid is exclusive, meaning that different signals cause the synthesis of each endocannabinoid. In other words, anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) are not created simultaneously.
Functions, Benefits, and Therapeutic Uses
Although the full extent of the functions of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is unknown, it is thought that the ECS plays a role in maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is a process in which the body regulates physiological functions such as body temperature and blood sugar to ensure the body continues functioning as expected, even when external conditions change.
Specific parts of homeostasis that the ECS is thought to assist in regulating include:
Appetite and digestion
Inflammation and immune responses
Memory and learning
Reproductive system functioning
Transporting signals around the body, such as the sensation of pain and pleasure
The endocannabinoid system also plays an important role in the development of the brain and its synapses. Synapses are electrical connections within the brain that neurotransmitters (such as endocannabinoids) travel across to send information around the body.
Therapeutic Uses
Each endocannabinoid affects the body differently. 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, or 2-AG, is the most prevalent endocannabinoid, and it manages appetite, immune system regulation, and pain response.
Anandamide, or AEA, is the chemical that causes the “runner’s high” you may experience after exercises such as running or even meditation and yoga.
When cannabis is ingested, the phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from the cannabis) bind to the endocannabinoids to exert their effects. The specific effects of the phytocannabinoids depend on which cannabinoid is ingested and which receptor it binds to.
These therapeutic effects include:
Pain relief
Appetite stimulation
Mood stabilization
Multiple sclerosis treatment
Epilepsy treatment
Some conditions, such as IBS and Crohn’s disease, result from chronic inflammation caused by an imbalance in homeostasis. As the endocannabinoid system is believed to play a role in regulating the inflammatory response, endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids may help to reduce inflammation in these conditions.
The Bottom Line
Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters produced by the endocannabinoid system within the body. These molecules play a role in maintaining homeostasis. Their structure is similar to phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids in cannabis), and they exert their effects on the body via the same receptors.