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Good physical health is essential for a happy and productive life. Kkokdam tea is an excellent way to achieve physical well-being.

Composed of 2 Mugwort, 1 Chrysanthemum, 1 Korean Mint, and 1 Siberian Chrysanthemum

Flower tea stick is made in the shape of a flower with its stem. It is a special tea that can be used easily like a tea bag. This beautiful Flower Tea Stick Combination Gift Set contains 4 kinds of flower tea sticks, packaged individually with glass test tubes. Luxurious and Fancy Gift Box is perfect for gifts. Carbon neutral, ethically and sustainably sourced, this delicious tea is organic and vegan, with plastic-free, and recyclable packaging.

Mugwort - stimulates gastric juice and bile secretion, and promotes circulation. It is also used as a liver tonic; and as a sedative. Women take mugwort for irregular periods and other menstrual problems.

Chrysanthemum - helps to lower blood pressure and cool the body.

Siberian chrysanthemum - helps to lower blood pressure and cool the body.

Korean Mint - relieves nausea, and vomiting, and cure fungal infections.

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