Th`k: What You Fill Your Head With

Th`k: What You Fill Your Head With

Filling your head with stuff that matters is crucial for personal growth and development. The things we consume, whether it is information, media, or experiences, shape our understanding of the world and ultimately influence our actions.

“Nothing comes out of your head that you don’t put in it first”.

It is important to differentiate between what is merely entertaining and what is truly valuable. While there is nothing inherently wrong with relaxing with a binge-worthy show or scrolling through social media, these activities should not be the sole focus of our attention. If we want to make meaningful progress in our personal and professional lives, we need to be intentional about what we allow into our minds.

By filling our heads with stuff that matters, we gain knowledge, inspiration, and perspective. We learn new skills, broaden our horizons and challenge our existing beliefs. Whether we are studying a new language, reading a work of literature, or pursuing a passion project, every worthwhile undertaking contributes to our personal growth.

Ultimately, the most significant reason why filling our heads with what matters is important is that it helps us lead a fulfilling life. When we engage with meaningful work, turn off the noise, and focus on what truly matters to us, we find purpose, satisfaction, and joy. So, let us all be mindful of the things we consume and strive to fill our heads with what truly matters to us.


In this fast-paced media world, we are inundated with an overwhelming amount of information that competes for our attention. Unfortunately, our brains are not wired to process every nuance of this sensory overload, and we must necessarily filter information to prioritize what's most important and relevant.

This filtering process occurs subconsciously, and our brain uses various cues and patterns to separate the important from the unimportant. For instance, our brain tends to focus on stimuli that are new or different from our baseline experience. This explains why advertisements use bright colors, movement, and loud sounds to grab our attention.

Additionally, our brains are also wired to emphasize information that is related to our goals, interests, or emotions. For example, someone interested in technology may be more likely to notice a news headline about a new software release.

Furthermore, our brains will discard information that it deems irrelevant or unimportant. For instance, if you're walking through a busy city street, your brain may filter out the sights and sounds of individual conversations, traffic noises, and other stimuli that are not relevant to your immediate needs.

However, this filtering process can be both a blessing and a curse. While it helps us prioritize essential information, it also means that we may miss vital details, opportunities, or experiences that we would have otherwise appreciated. Therefore, it's crucial to be mindful of the way our brain filters information and actively engage in ways that enable us to process and retain the information that is important to us.


In my opinion, what matters most in life is subjective and varies from person to person. However, some things that are universally important include love, kindness, compassion, empathy, honesty, gratitude, and personal growth.

It's also important to fill your head with knowledge and information that aligns with your personal values and goals. Reading books, listening to podcasts, and seeking out credible sources of information can help expand your understanding of the world and keep your mind sharp.

Ultimately, what matters most is living a fulfilling life that brings you joy and purpose while also making a positive impact on the world around you. So, take the time to identify what matters most to you, and strive to fill your head and your life with those things.

Things to fill your head with. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Positive affirmations - repeating positive statements to yourself can help boost self-esteem and confidence.
  1. Knowledge about a variety of subjects - reading books, watching documentaries, or taking courses can expand your knowledge and stimulate your mind.
  1. Exercise routines - regular exercise releases endorphins, a hormone that can help lift your mood and improve your overall health.
  1. Mindfulness practices - taking time to meditate, focus on your breathing and practice other types of mindfulness can help calm your mind and reduce stress levels.
  1. Goals and dreams - focusing on your aspirations can help motivate you and give you a sense of purpose.
  1. Gratitude - consciously taking time to be thankful for the good things in your life can help shift your mindset to a more positive outlook.
  1. Personal values - clarifying and living according to your personal values can help guide your decisions and actions.
  1. Humor - incorporating laughter and humor into your life can help reduce tension and make you feel happier.


  1. Books - reading books can provide you with a wealth of knowledge and can stimulate your mind.
  1. Podcasts - there are many informative and educational podcasts out there that cover a wide range of topics. Some popular ones to check out include TED Talks Daily, Stuff You Should Know, and Radiolab.
  1. News - staying informed about current events can help you stay up to date on important issues and trends.
  1. Documentaries - watching documentaries can provide you with an in-depth look into a topic and can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.
  1. Online courses - platforms like Coursera and edX offer a wide range of online courses taught by top educators from around the world.
  1. Museums and exhibitions - visiting museums and exhibitions can provide you with a unique and interesting learning experience.
  1. Social media - following knowledgeable and informative accounts on social media can provide you with interesting insights and perspectives on various topics.

Remember, it's important to always fact-check and verify the sources you use to ensure the information you are taking in is accurate and trustworthy. I hope this list helps you on your quest to fill your head with the important stuff!


A lot of what we put in our heads not only doesn’t matter but can make us stupid.

The first thing that comes to mind is misinformation. With the advent of social media and the internet, it's easy to fall prey to fake news and false information. These things can fill our heads with incorrect ideas, leading us to make poor decisions and form inaccurate opinions.

Another thing to watch out for is confirmation bias. This occurs when we only seek out information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs or opinions, ignoring any contradictory evidence. Doing so can limit our perspective and cause us to miss important information that could otherwise inform better decisions.

Lastly, a lack of critical thinking skills can also lead us to fill our heads with ideas that make us stupid. Critical thinking involves analyzing information objectively, questioning assumptions, and weighing evidence. Without these skills, we may accept information at face value without considering potential biases or evaluating its credibility.

So, to sum up, be wary of misinformation, confirmation bias, and a lack of critical thinking skills, to avoid filling your head with ideas that make you, well, not as smart as you could be. I hope this helps!


Thoughtful Living

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