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Thnk: More Like Michelangelo

Thnk: More Like Michelangelo

As one of the most renowned artists in history, Michelangelo's approach to creativity and problem-solving has been admired for centuries. But what most people don't realize is that his way of thinking can also be applied to our daily lives.

Michelangelo believed that every block of stone had a statue inside it, waiting to be revealed. This concept of seeing the potential in something, rather than just accepting it as it is, can be applied to our own lives. Instead of seeing obstacles as roadblocks, we can view them as opportunities for growth and development.

Another aspect of Michelangelo's approach was his dedication to his craft. He would spend countless hours studying his materials, experimenting with techniques, and pushing himself to create something truly remarkable. This level of commitment and discipline can be applied to our own pursuits, whether it's a career, a hobby, or a personal goal.

Michelangelo also believed in the importance of collaboration and seeking guidance from others. Despite his immense talent, he was never too proud to ask for advice or to work alongside other artists. This willingness to learn and collaborate can benefit us in our own lives, whether it's seeking feedback on a project from colleagues or seeking mentorship from someone we admire.

In short, thinking more like Michelangelo can help us approach life with a sense of possibility, dedication, and collaboration. By seeing the potential in ourselves and others, committing to our goals with discipline, and seeking guidance and support when needed, we can all strive towards creating something truly remarkable, just as Michelangelo did.

Here are some ways to think more like Michelangelo and unleash your inner Renaissance genius.

1. Embrace curiosity:

Michelangelo was curious about everything, from science and engineering to literature and philosophy. He believed that knowledge equaled power, and learning was a lifelong pursuit.

2. Push boundaries:

Michelangelo was renowned for breaking new ground, experimenting with different materials and techniques, and challenging traditional concepts of art and beauty.

3. Cultivate originality:

Michelangelo was a master of innovation, constantly exploring new ideas and pushing his own artistic boundaries. He believed that true genius comes from within and encouraged others to discover their own unique talents.

4. Be disciplined:

Michelangelo was known for his intense work ethic, often spending long hours in his studio perfecting his craft. He believed that true mastery comes from hard work and dedication.

5. Embrace imperfection:

Michelangelo recognized that perfection is elusive and that even great artists must learn from their mistakes. He believed that true genius is born from constantly striving to improve, even in the face of setbacks.

6. Create from the heart:

Michelangelo poured his emotions into every work of art, believing that the truest expression of human emotion could be found in the arts.

7. Embrace challenge:

Michelangelo often tackled complex and difficult projects, such as painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling. He saw these challenges as opportunities to grow and push himself creatively.

8. Think big:

Michelangelo's work was grand in scale, reflecting his belief that art should stir the soul and inspire the imagination.

9. Stay connected:

Michelangelo believed that art was a social and interactive activity, and he often collaborated with other artists and thinkers to create visionary works.

10. Embrace diversity:

Michelangelo lived in a time of great diversity, and his work was shaped by the many different cultures, languages, and traditions he encountered throughout his life. He believed that true art transcends boundaries and can connect people across cultures and generations.

Quotes from Michelangelo:

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

"Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.”

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.”

"The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of white marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image."


Thoughtful Living

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