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“Anger is temporary but words said in anger aren’t.” - Marion Bekoe

“Anger is temporary but words said in anger aren’t.” - Marion Bekoe

Thnk: it's important not to let your anger take over. 

We've all been there, caught in a moment of intense emotion where anger takes control. It can happen in personal relationships, at work, or even during trivial situations. Yet, as Marion Bekoe wisely noted, "Anger is temporary but words said in anger aren’t." This statement underscores a critical truth: while anger itself may be fleeting, the impact of words spoken in anger can last a lifetime.


The Dangers of Letting Anger Take Over

Emotional Fallout

When anger takes over, it clouds your judgment and impairs your decision-making abilities. In the heat of the moment, you might say something you don’t mean, make impulsive decisions, or act irrationally. The emotional fallout from these actions can strain relationships, erode trust, and create a toxic atmosphere.

Professional Consequences

In a professional setting, the repercussions of losing your temper can be severe. An outburst can damage your reputation, undermine your leadership abilities, and hinder career progression. It's essential to maintain composure to be seen as a dependable, level-headed professional.

Long-Lasting Impact

Words spoken in anger can leave lasting scars. Whether it's a co-worker, a friend, or a family member, the hurt caused by harsh words can be difficult to mend. It's crucial to remember that while you can apologize, the impact of your words may linger on.


Key Qualities in Controlling Anger

Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and managing your emotions is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence, recognizing your emotional triggers and taking proactive steps to manage them. This involves being self-aware and understanding how your emotions affect others.

Effective Communication

Emotionally intelligent individuals excel in communication. They listen actively, speak calmly, and avoid letting anger dictate their words. Effective communication helps in resolving conflicts amicably and fosters a collaborative environment.


Taking responsibility for your actions is crucial. If you do lose your temper, owning up to it and making amends is vital. Accountability builds trust and shows that you are committed to personal growth and team harmony.

Patience and Empathy

Patience and empathy are essential traits in emotional intelligence. Understand that everyone has bad days and treat others with kindness and respect. By putting yourself in someone else's shoes, you can better manage your reactions and build stronger relationships.


Practical Strategies to Manage Anger

Take a Deep Breath and Count to 10

The classic tip of taking a deep breath and counting to 10 is incredibly effective. This simple act can help you regain composure and prevent you from reacting impulsively. It gives you a moment to think before you speak.

Step Away

If you feel overwhelmed, take a break. Step away from the situation and give yourself some time to calm down. Whether it's a short walk or a few minutes of solitude, a brief respite can help you gain perspective and approach the situation with a clearer mind.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and meditation, can help you stay grounded. Regular practice can improve your ability to manage stress and maintain a calm demeanor in challenging situations.

Communicate Your Feelings

If something is bothering you, communicate your feelings constructively. Use "I" statements to express how you feel without placing blame on others. For example, say, "I feel frustrated when deadlines are missed," instead of, "You never meet deadlines."

Seek Support

If you find it difficult to manage your anger, seek support from a mentor, counselor, or trusted friend. Talking about your feelings can provide valuable insights and help you develop healthy coping mechanisms.


Anger is a natural emotion, but how you handle it can make a significant difference in your personal and professional life. By not letting anger take over, you can preserve relationships, maintain your reputation, and contribute to a more positive and productive environment for everyone around you. Stay calm, stay composed, and always think before you speak. Your future self and the people in your life will thank you.



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