Divining Poets: Rumi

Spiritual wellness goes beyond the physical; it's a valuable aspect of our overall well-being. It presents us with a way to cope with trauma and lessens negative emotions like stress, anxiety, anger, and depression. More than just providing comfort during tough times, embracing spiritual wellness leads to an increase in hope, inner peace, and a stronger sense of purpose. It allows us to make choices that align with our values and beliefs, fostering feelings of compassion and awe.

Divining Poets, is the perfect blend of ancient wisdom and modern inspiration. This beautifully crafted boxed set contains seventy-eight cards, inspired by the traditional tarot decks. Each card features a short quote from one of the greatest poets of all time, Rumi.

Whether you are looking for guidance, seeking inspiration, or simply want to contemplate life's big questions, this deck is the perfect tool. Use it to meditate, memorize, or simply reflect on the profound words of Rumi.

Included is an instruction card with tips and suggestions on how to make the most of your Divining Poets deck. So whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or new to divination, this deck is perfect for everyone.

Rumi's words are as relevant today as they were centuries ago, and this deck allows you to connect with his wisdom in a new and meaningful way.

Let Rumi be your guide on this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. As he once said, "What you seek is seeking you." Embrace the wisdom of Divining Poets - Rumi and see where it takes you.  Happy divining!

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Sale price $13.00Regular price $0.00
Regular price $13.00
