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At some point during Covid, I sat up from the permanent dent in my sofa and exclaimed, “I have seen all of Netflix!” Like many folks, no work, no visiting with friends, and no outside entertainment left us all slaves to that one constant, that one beacon of hope, the glorious distraction that is binge-watching.
I binged watched everything (except Tiger King, yeah, I’m that one person) including shows I’d already seen. Seasons upon seasons of anything I could get my hands on. I could have turned my attention to a plethora of other activities. I could have planted a garden, learned to play a musical instrument, taken up knitting, painted my house…oh wait, I did that one. The point is that the one thing we all had, that we complain to have too little of, was time. So why did I waste so much of it binge-watching tv shows? I won’t deny it often left me feeling unproductive and a bit worthless so why did I find so much solace and outright reward from this? Perhaps it goes a little deeper than laziness or lack of motivation due to depression during such a trying time in our community and the world at large.
There are a few legitimate positive side effects to binge-watching.
First, binge-watching offers a form of social connection. If you’re one of the many, many, MANY individuals who were brave or desperate enough to work their way through Tiger King, you know that every social media platform was sharing in your excitement and shock over what seemed like just insane individuals. It’s called a “shared cultural space”. And while we were unable to connect at the water cooler, we managed to connect and relate to others over social media and Zoom meetings.
Binge-watching can also be beneficial to romantic partners offering a joint activity that can last longer than a single evening. When restaurants were closed date night quickly became a bit stagnate and uneventful. Yet finding a common interest in a show meant dimming the lights, sitting down together, and sharing an experience. And all the better for those couples who were separated, giving them a set topic to connect through in discussion.
Couples therapy aside even binging a show alone can release the mother of all pleasure hormones, dopamine. It’s like cheese or chocolate without the calories. Psychologists actually believe that binging can give a person that ever-desired feeling of control over their lives, which was something else Covid swiped from us. For me, TV has always been a way to escape the stress of my day, the world, and whatever may be consuming my thoughts. It provided a solid distraction from those stressors. Even for a few hours. Sometimes that’s all you need to put those heavy thoughts away. Plus, there’s mental and emotional gratification in being able to complete a story in a single shot.
Working out can become more interesting and easier to push through if you can binge while you move. The greatest thing my gym ever did was put in a cinema room. I can grab one of the stationary bikes and completely ignore my hatred of physical activity while getting engrossed in the drama of a fantasy series or, even better, an action series. If Tom Cruise can hang on to a moving plane, I can pedal another mile.
Finally, unless you grew up in the 80s and 90s, you may not realize what a nightmare it was to get sucked into a show only to have to wait an entire week or, God forbid, an entire summer for the resolution. Who shot J.R.?!Anyone? There is satisfaction in not having to remind yourself of the ongoing complicated arc of a series because you need to wait in between the holidays to see the next segment.
This doesn’t mean you should give all your free time away to a television show. Binging can be relaxing, community-bonding, and even therapeutic, but now that quarantine is over, so can taking a walk outside, meeting with friends, or hitting the gym (only if there’s a cinema room of course). Just allow yourself the occasional binge session to decompress and check out. Think of it as charging your personal battery.
Follow this checklist for tips and suggestions to ensure you get the most out of your binging sessions.